
13 lbs lost in 10 weeks

Cheers!  Today I'm down 13 lbs (in 10 weeks), and just did a 3 mile walk, no running, in 45:52.8, which puts me in the "good" category of cardio fitness for women in the 50-59 age group (per Kenneth Cooper's 1982 book The Aerobics Program for Total Well-being ) I'm tracking my calories at -- which I've been doing since June 11th, after having lost 7 lbs of my 13 -- and also tracking aerobic points per the Kenneth Cooper aerobics books.  (More later on that.) While I have multiple mini-goals weight-loss-wise and fitness-wise, my primary fitness goal is to get back to running again so that I run the Turkey Trot this Thanksgiving.  As far as weight loss, my first primary goal is to get back under a BMI of 25 -- that is 23 more pounds to lose.  Then, my second weight loss goal is to get back to 130 lbs. One thing at at time.  For now, these were my calorie / macronutrient totals for today.   34.8% of my calories were fat, and 9.5% of